Could you please post the following write-up and attached photos on our blog to let all classmates share our joy on the recent Beijing trip? Thank you so much!
Dear All,
After a week in heaven, I am back home in one piece. Still excited with vivid memories of the precious time we spent together and the warmth and the "Feeling" of friendship and caring. We partied everyday and everyday the party got longer and the laughter got louder. Too bad for those of you didn't hear our joyful songs (Peter, Ed and I) reminiscent our college days with Peter playing the guitar. Fortunately, most of you didn't see me crawling down the Great Wall on all my fours (hands and legs) backwards! If you did, I don't know how many more nick names Frank is going to come up for me. He gave me at least two to three nick names everyday! I gave up. That seven days in Beijing made me feel like back in the 70's, spontaneous and up-beat all day long! Although, probably none of us got enough sleep!
I got to know the gang members quickly and discovered so many things I didn't know before. It is like a "family" environment. Without our gracious hosts (Peter, Frank, 小圓), we couldn't possibly explore Beijing the way we did. 秋鑾, 素菲, Xiao Mei and I stayed at Frank's house. But later, 小圓 invited the three ladies to her house. (I jokingly told her she took our women away!) 小圓 and Peter made all of us feel like home in their house. We took advantage of that and partied in their house for several nights, eating, drinking, chatting, joking around, singing, etc. By the way, 小圓 wanted to have dinner with us the day she arrived (in the afternoon!). She hardly got any rest while we were in Beijing. Several of us caught her sleepy eyes but she just hanged in there, charming and graceful. Also, her husband Peter is now adopted to our class! I bet this is the first case for the entire 18th Class! Anyone who has met Peter couldn't help but liking him.
We also had a financial manager 秋鑾.
I was more than impressed by "Father Soong", a nick name for you-know-who from 秋鑾. Frank was always the first one to get up and the last one to rest. He cooked, prepared fruits, went out to get breakfast for us, made tea every time we turned around, and cleaned after us (especially me!). But he got a good one from me when he asked me something one time and I told him "It is none of your business!". I think he was stunned for a moment, then we all laughed. He even talks like the locals! I was actually a little worry about his one week trip to Oregon after we all left. Frank was obviously exhausted by Thursday, but he kept on telling us "no problem". 致理 gave me a tight embrace when we first saw each other in the restaurant on the date of his arrival. He literally went through hell (due to visa issue) in order to make it. But he always looked energetic and fresh. 致理 must travel well and is especially sharp when facing off with Frank. Watching 致理 and Father Soong picked, challenged, and joked with each other definitely provided additional entertainment for the rest of us!
We also went to numerous places, hiked the Great Wall,
Attached are a few pictures I took. Stupid me accidentally deleted all pictures on the way back from the Great Wall to Beijing. Then, the picture resolution was set too high. Slight hand shaking or movement resulted in blurry image. Sorry about that!
James, With My Heart Left in Beijing
P.S. "7 Days in Beijing" sounds like a good movie tile, from uniformed police purposely mis-directing us to catch taxi (twice!) to drinking tea, coffee and eating snacks Frank bought while enjoying the pouring rain outside in an art center. (One of those DO-NOTHING activity!)
PS. 小圓, I am eating the snack you brought for us. Peter, the sound comes to mind is "More More More".