Very happy that you guys got in touch so quickly. With the overwhelming responses form so many childhood friends, James is no doubt a quite popular guy.
Same as James, it is so exciting to recognize so many familiar names even we were not in the same class at sixth grade. I suppose the 分班制 made most of us were in same class one grade or another. so we all kind of know each other somehow.
Seeing the great interaction among some of you, I hope to find few more from 六年丙班 and really would love to get in touch with all. Thanks for including me in your distribution list, so I learned that you are looking for James黃一平 who I had in contact with since 1979. Eugene Liu, 劉高武 is another one that I kept in contact since I landed LA.
Just a thought, perhaps if we add all the classmates with email address on the distribution list, some of us may have contact with someone who did not graduate from the same class. I also found Zhao Chia Wen, 趙嘉文. With this thought, hope some of you may still have contact with or know where their about of the classmate below.
I had a chance talking to 王自存 while I was at Taipei last week. I am planning another trip to Taipei and China first week of May. Hope to have the pleasure meeting some of you after 49 years. Sorry that I am writing in English. It is much easier and faster to type ^_^

Sanne Lee